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品牌策略/Brand Strategy
品牌识别/Brand Identity
Yakiniku LANG has brought together a diverse team from Guangzhou, Taiwan, and Japan to showcase LANG's interpretation of yakiniku inspired by Guangzhou's urbanisation, Debussy's La Mer, and Japan's Awa Blue, based on the spirit of courage, reverence, and determination that human has to resist the forces of the “New Wave”. The seemingly classic yakiniku dishes feature the chef's unique interpretation of embedding fusion techniques with high quality Wagyu beef and local organic Guangzhou ingredients while being innovative with a global lens. This is an experience available only at LANG: a visit to a top restaurant in the heart of the city, an up-close and personal experience of innovative serving, and a taste of premium ingredients sourced organically just for the most demanding tastes. This is a visit, an experience, and a taste, about LANG.YAKINIKUlang以亚瓦佐夫斯基画中九级浪所描绘的勇气、敬畏和向往为精神蓝本,组建了来自广州、中国台湾和日本三地的多元化团队。他们以广州的都市浪潮、德彪西的大海和日本的阿波蓝为灵感,共同呈现属于LANG的日式烧肉演绎之魂。看似经典的日式烧肉菜肴则包含了主厨对优质和牛以及广州本地有机食材的创新诠释。这是只能在 LANG中感受到的,一场流动的盛宴;一次在都市浪潮中对顶级餐厅的探访,一场近距离对创意烹饪的体验,一番对高级和牛的味蕾品鉴。食与烹,浪中自有变化。

在本次品牌全案设计中,我们以品牌的“lang”为名,将承载着勇气的阿波蓝作为核心色彩,以德彪西交响曲《大海》三部曲作为关键灵感出发构建了品牌的创意及视觉方向。我们从一张音乐厅门票,到一个音乐厅席位;从一份音乐家手中心爱的琴谱,到寄给友人来听音乐会的一张邀请函,以此延展关于“YAKINIKUlang”的核心物料设计。从而紧密回扣YAKINIKUlang 身处广州的都市浪潮里,将对生活的勇气与热爱融入融合料理中,所带来一场关于创意烹饪的流动盛宴。

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