A Design Company
品牌策略/Brand Strategy
品牌识别/Brand Identity
社媒运营/Media Operation
In this project, we centered on the people living in Wuhan in the 1980s, and an original Wuhan bamboo bed is the epitome of the “qi-ing” and “ooh-ing” life of this group of ordinary and enthusiastic people.
This is the background of the story behind the first branch of Dulilai - Xionghuacun (Jiejiekou). In all the brand's peripheral designs, Wuhan dialect, illustrations of matchstick figures and newspaper collages of the era have become the visual centerpieces. While retaining the essential retro feel, the overall approach is more playful, using the image of Ah Dou as a character to intervene and break away from the conventional use of chronology as an entry point. This is a restaurant full of memories of Wuhan, but it is also a letter to Wuhan, a hometown of warmth and fun, from the perspective of contemporary youth.
这也就是豆里来 - 杏花村(街道口)首店的核心故事背景。在品牌的所有周边设计中,武汉话,火柴人插画以及年代感的报纸剪贴成为了其视觉核心。在保留本质的复古回溯感受的基础上,整体使用了更为趣味的处理方式,用阿豆火柴人的形象介入打破以年代感作为切入点的常规做法。 这是一家充满武汉记忆的餐厅,但更是一家融合了当代青年视角的,写给武汉这个家乡的一封温情而又有趣的家书。
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